Ondi Timoner, on Mapplethorpe


At first glance, one might mistake Ondi Timoner for an actress. When we met, her blonde lion’s mane was piled on top of her head and her eyes were hidden by enormous designer shades. In reality, she is the mastermind behind numerous documentaries as a director, writer, camera operator, and producer among other things (I wouldn’t be surprised if she acts too!)  The charismatic filmmaker is the real deal. Over the last two decades, she has collaborated on numerous documentary films and television. Ondi is a rare two-time winner of Sundance Grand Jury Prize for DIG! and WE LIVE IN PUBLIC, and has nominations for 15 other awards with 9 wins. She runs her own production company, Interloper Films, with which she produced the new biopic MAPPLETHORPE. It is Ondi’s first scripted feature, but you wouldn't know it.

MAPPLETHORPE is not officially out, but it premiered at TriBeCa where it took home the Audience Award and will have its LA premiere at the DGA for Outfest July 13, 2018 with a second screening added on July 22nd. It was just announced that Samuel Goldwyn has picked up the film for a theatrical release across America this fall.

I was fortunate to squeeze into Ondi’s busy schedule for a quick lunch, basking in her brilliance as she mused about Mapplethorpe and other “impossible visionaries” as she calls them. She spoke swiftly and with inspired confidence— I have done my best to include my favorite jewels in this interview.